Geriatric Psychiatry Services

Welcome to our Geriatric Psychiatry Services page, dedicated to addressing the unique mental health challenges faced by the elderly. As we age, psychological well-being becomes as important as physical health, yet older adults often encounter specific issues that require specialized care. Our experienced psychiatrist is committed to providing compassionate, comprehensive support for seniors, helping them maintain a high quality of life through their golden years.


Our Approach

Our approach to geriatric psychiatry is holistic and patient-centered, focusing on the complex interplay of factors affecting mental health in older adults. We understand that aging can bring about significant life changes, medical conditions, and social transitions that impact mental well-being. Our services are designed to address a range of age-related issues, including:
  • Cognitive Disorders: Management and support for conditions such as dementia and mild cognitive impairment.
  • Mood Disorders: Treatment for depression, anxiety, and bipolar disorder, which may present differently in older adults.
  • Sleep Disturbances: Strategies to improve sleep quality, which is crucial for mental and physical health.
  • Grief and Loss: Support through the emotional process of grieving and adaptation to significant life changes.
  • Medication Management: Careful consideration of pharmacological treatments, mindful of the interactions and side effects that may affect older adults.


Who We Help

Our geriatric psychiatry services cater to seniors experiencing a wide array of mental health challenges or seeking to maintain their cognitive and emotional well-being. We also provide guidance and support for families and caregivers, offering resources and strategies to care for their loved ones effectively.


Getting Started

Recognizing the need for mental health support is a significant first step for older adults and their families. We strive to make our services accessible and tailored to the needs of each individual. To begin, we invite you to contact us for an initial consultation. In this meeting, we will discuss the concerns you or your loved one are facing and develop a personalized care plan.
Age with dignity and peace of mind. Reach out today to learn how our geriatric psychiatry services can support you or your loved one in navigating the challenges of aging with grace and resilience.